Conference Report
Italian Conference on Computational Logic

Francesca A. Lisi
University of Bari

Editor: Enrico Pontelli

The 2006 edition of the Italian Conference on Computational Logic (CILC'06) took place at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Bari, Italy, on June 26-27, 2006.  It was the 21st meeting of the Italian Association for Logic Programming (GULP) and affiliated to ALP.

The event was organized by the staff of the Laboratory for Knowledge Acquisition and Machine Learning (LACAM, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Bari) under the supervision of Floriana Esposito, Donato Malerba, and Giovanni Semeraro. The LACAM group is very active in the field of Inductive Logic Programming, both from the theoretical and the application side. I am myself a member of this group and I had the honor of starting the very first session of the convention with a tutorial ("Learning Rules on top of Ontologies: An Inductive Logic Programming Approach").

The program of CILC'06 was very stimulating. Most of the contributions were in the area of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning as one may expect considering the new challenges of the Semantic Web. A minor number of contributions came from the research areas on Agents, Learning, Constraints and Verification. The program committee selected 17 papers for presentation. The program was completed by an invited talk by Francesco M. Donini ("Knowledge Representation Tools for Electronic Commerce") also related to the Semantic Web. All the contributions and related slides of presentation are available on-line at the URL
thanks to the webmaster Bruna Di Nanna.

Special thanks go to the local organizers, Pasquale Lops and Marco Degemmis, also members of the LACAM group. They managed to create a nice atmosphere especially during the lovely coffee and lunch breaks that were arranged inside the Department so that the participants could enjoy the air conditioning all along their stay at the convention. Who knows the Southern Italian summer can appreciate this special treatment!